The Matrix: Red Pill Debate
I would personally take the red pill because I am the kind of person who pushes for change and wants to help other people. I fully recognize that taking the red pill and discovering that your body is being used as a battery to power artificial intelligence and seeing the human world completely destroyed is a very traumatic experience, like the blue pill argued in class. I know some people would not be able to take it and are not prepared to see the truth, but is anyone ever truly ready to know a dark truth? Many of us experience traumatic experiences throughout are lives, and no one is ever prepared for trauma. When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was not prepared to receive that information whatsoever. Although that was an extremely traumatic experience, I would not have been able to provide the support and care for my mom if I wasn't informed on the severity of her illness. Taking the red pill or blue pill opens up the possibility of trauma, but also allows for self improvement and to become apart of something bigger than yourself. It allows the strong willed people to free their minds and become almost super human being within "The Matrix," becoming stronger and wiser than they ever could have imagined. They also are given the responsibility of freeing the human population from the enslavement that is "The Matrix." People are being forced to live lives that make them believe they have their own free will, but they don't. Knowledge is power, and knowing the truth about the simulation helps Neo and the other members of the resistance to become stronger and better equipped to work against the simulation and the artificial intelligence behind it. In our society, many educated people must work within broken systems in order to fix them. This is what they are doing. They are freeing their minds and expanding their abilities outside of "The Matrix" in order to combat the simulation from the inside. Overall, taking the red pill is a bold choice, but I would prefer having free will and having the responsibility of recovering the human race, compared to being stuck inside of a fake existence.
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