Maze Runner: Movie and Project
For our final project, we decided to watch the Maze Runner. The movie takes place in the indefinite future of Earth, where the world has been completely scorched by the sun and because of the new environment a deadly virus has formed and killed billions of people. This could be a direct reflection of our future if climate change continues to destroy the planet. In The Maze Runner a new generation of teenagers who have immunity to the virus are forcefully put into a maze where they are tested physically and mentally to see if they can survive the harsh conditions of the new world they live in. Advanced technology is used to wipe their memories, in order to give them all an equal chance at survival and making them more susceptible to being put throughout these tests. A new Glader put into the maze named Thomas pushes the limits of the teenagers and tests the maze unlike anyone else has before. They learn the patterns of the maze and defeat the Grievers...